Wednesday, May 27, 2009


亲爱的青少年们你相信奇迹吗?是你不敢去幻想呢?还是你不相信因为你没看到奇迹发生?曾经,有位成功人说了句话 “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle " 如圣上所说的 “我们既因信称义,就借着我们的主耶稣基督得与神相和。我们又借着他,因信得进入现在所站的这恩典中,并且欢欢喜喜盼望神的荣耀。” (罗马书: 5 章 1 - 2) 在你生命中往往你会经历些不如意的事情。但是,如果你能继续的相信会有奇迹在你生命里. 就像你相信耶稣在三天过后死里复活一样. 你就会有盼望及勇敢的走下去. 因为上帝告诉我们凭着我们的信, 我们必能得救!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Youth T-shirt 诞生了!

亲爱的青少年们,这就是在衣厨里的东西了!你们猜对了吗?我们加略少年的 T-shirt 终于在5 月24 号诞生了!

颜色:白色 & 黑色
Size: XS, S, M, L & XL

Monday, May 18, 2009



5 月16 日,我们教会举办了一个食物团聚。这次我们有个不一样的食物团聚哦!很荣幸的能够邀请周秀芬牧师在我们当中来分享神的话语!!! 感谢神,你的恩典是够我们使用的。当天,我们都有个美好的时光相聚在一起!还有,感谢每个姐妹的拿手好菜。让我们个个肚子都 “满载而归” 的。 ^_^

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Wow! Can't believe that we had reach 1000 readers already! I thank everyone of you that has been helping us out to make it possible! Without your support none of this is possible.


Monday, May 11, 2009



Sunday, May 10, 2009

幽默笑话 & 经文默想

有一天,当一群宣教师来到一个陌生的家要把福音传给他人的时候。和以往一样,他们都会先按门铃确认是否有人在家。就在他们按门铃当儿,他们也发现在屋里有人走来走去的。可是,很奇怪的是他们按了很多次门铃,还是没人开门。结果,当中的一个宣教师就想到写一张小小的字条里头还附上联络地址及电话号码塞进门缝里。希望 ,他人会看到。字条是这样写着 “(启示录:3 章20 节)”。然后,他们就离开这一家向下一家出发了。

隔一天,正是星期日当聚会完毕过后。这位宣教师就收到一封信。信中写着 “谢谢你们的关心,。。。。。。(创世纪:3 章10 节)”。


Friday, May 1, 2009





Every people especially youths are born leaders. But to be a strong leader, he/she must have a strong team and to build a strong team, the understanding and the concept of teamwork must be injected in our mind. One person can never be a church but it is a unity of many souls. Unity is about the power of "US". You can read more about this in Isaiah 9:6 and also Matthew 6:9 which strongly impose that only when we see the importance of "US" can we see God's glory.

Understanding - We must understand that this "Church" is a living, breathing, organism. It has to grow and for it to grow, we must be willing to accept changes. It is also an organizational structure where we must plant and grow churches continuously. the growth must never stop!

Networking - We might not have it all altogether, but together we have it all! We must build network and only by doing so can we see revival!

Interceding - Have faith that the Church will be real and genuine, without hypocrisy and pretense and that we are able to reach out to the others, without judgment and embrace them with love and unconditionally!

Thinking out of the box - Remember! Our God is bigger than anything that ever exist, from past and to present. He is a never changing God. Don't keep Him in a box because he is always more than that!

You - Yes, you! Only you can make the choice for yourself. No one can! It is about what you can do to promote unity in the body of Christ; honoring and hallowing the Church of Jesus Christ, giving thanks for it, and agreeing with His intercession for its ultimate victory!