Monday, April 20, 2009

见证篇 - by Pastor Kul Bal

亲爱的青少年们,你们相信现今的社会有神迹奇事吗? 让我来和你们分享一段真人真事见证吧!

这个神迹奇事是发生在中国的一个小镇。一个19 岁的青少年因着他的右脚不小心踩到安装在地上的炸弹引发了爆炸。 从 此,他就失去了他的右脚。日后,他走起路来都需要依靠柺杖。当时,他是个佛教徒。在那个镇上也有一些基督徒青少年。有一天,有位基督徒朋友对他说:“如果 能让牧师为你祷告的话,你会得到医治包括你失去的那只脚。”这位青少年听了毫不犹疑就立下心志一定要找到牧师为他祷告。因为,他相信他的脚必能得到医治。 所以,每天他都四处去问去找,希望能赶快找到牧师。

有一天,青少年看到一对白人夫妇正 要越过马路。他就赶紧走过去接住他们问到:“你们是牧师吗?我正在找牧师”白人夫妇就连忙回答说:“我们不是牧师,我们是宣教师。你为什么那么急着要找牧师呢? 青少年回答说:“因为有人告诉我如果我能找到牧师为我祷告我的右脚必会得到医治。你们可以帮我祷告吗? 白人夫妇回答说:“好吧,我们试试看吧 .” 个人就手拉手 坐下来围个圈开始祷告了。祷告是这样的:“grow , leg, grow” (脚生脚) 他门睁开眼Haleluyah!!! (青少年们你们想想看发生什么了?)答案是:. . .什么都没发生,他的右脚还是一样。这个时候,青少年不但没有灰心。反倒很有信心的对白人夫妇说:我还是相信我的右脚会好起来." 白人丈夫就对青少年说:“既然你那么有信心就勇敢的站起来吧。”青少年想都没想就把一只手按在地上站了起来。青少年你们猜猜看这回又发生什么事了?青少年的右脚就真真实实的还原了。Haleluyah… haleluyah !! 让我们来高举及赞美我们的全能上帝吧!

经节查考:马太福音:17 20

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let God Lead Us

We need Jesus,
because he is our father.

We need Jesus,
because he gave us power.

We need Jesus,
Because he gave us confidence.

We need Jesus,
Because he knows what we want.

We need Jesus,
Because we have goals and he guided us to reach them.

We need Jesus,
Because he leads us in everything in our life.

Therefore, we have to believe him with our heart opened fully in order to achieve goals in our life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


今天想要和大家一起分享这两首歌。其中一首叫着“让爱走动”,这首歌让我连想起 神的话语:

(约翰一书 3:18)


加略少年 LOGO诞生了!!

今天是加略少年Logo诞生的日子。经过我们和设计师的共同努力,感谢 神今天让我们完成了加略少年的LOGO设计。Hallelujah…!!! 将一切的荣耀都归于 神。



让我们一起背着加略少年的名字来荣耀我们的 神!啊门!^^

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


今晚我们虽然不是乐龄人士,可是我们还是来到了这个聚会。这个聚会有客家名菜“雷茶”,感谢神,每样菜都是弟兄姐妹精心准备的。在我们赞美敬拜的时候,我们现场来了一个神秘来宾,他就是来自澳洲的 Pastor Kul Bal。他是一个很恩高的牧师在医治大能方面,当晚很多弟兄姐妹都得到医治。除了医治方面他还和我们分享了很多神迹奇事的见证。日后我们还会和你们陆续分享他的见证。

这就是Pastor Kul Bal 在行医治弟兄姐妹的时候。

最后我们还和Pastor Kul Bal来个合照!

亲爱的青少年们如果想体会Pastor Kul Bal的医治大能,请别错过在来临的星期六晚上,七点半Dewan Suara齐来见证神的医治大能吧!


Venue : Dewan Suara Miri

Date : 18 April (Saturday)

Time : 7.30pm

(Interpreted from Eng to BM/Iban/Mand)

P.S~ 如果有病痛的亲朋好友,欢迎带他们来一起经历神的医治大能!

Monday, April 13, 2009


亲爱的青少年们,你们知道吗? 如何祷告才是正确的呢? 从今天开始学习吧!!! 以下是祷告的次序:

Step 1: 赞美

Step 2: 认罪/悔改

Step 3: 祈求 (先为他人祷告, 然后才为自己个人需要祷告)

Step 4: 感谢

Step 5: 交托

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Youth Activity on 4-4-2009 (Archery Event)

On 4th of April last Saturday, our church's youth ministry had organized an archery activity at Bintang Plaza. There were 11 youths that participated in this activity and most of them were first timers. Each person was given a bow and 40 arrows and they were also required to wear some protective hand accessories to protect their hands before playing. There were also 3 coaches who assisted us and they also helped us to have a better understanding about archery. They taught us the correct standing position and also the correct methods to hit the target.

the targets for us to shoot at......

left eye must be closed up when aiming the target

a row of the "male archers"

and the row of "female archers"
group photo after playing....

another group photo which includes the 3 coaches that taught us......

Eating fast-food in Sugarbun after playing.....'Bon Apetite!'

Having chit-chat while eating......

Key thought after playing the game: Proverbs Chapter 3: verse 5 - 6 (箴言: 3 章 5 - 6 节)

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov. 3:5 - 6)

"你要专心仰赖耶和华, 不可倚靠自己的聪明, 在你一切所行的事上都要认定他, 他必指引你的路." (箴言: 3 章 5 - 6 节)

God's traits are forever our inspiration, goal, and target. We need to concentrate in following his way and we must trust in him regardless of whatever environment we are in so that we cannot be influenced easily. This is also quite similar to archery.

In our everyday life, if we can't concentrate in the things we do, we would not be able to achieve our goals. It is the same for archery as well...if we do not concentrate we will fail to shoot the target to the destined target. The process to achieve our goals will be much easier if we choose to ignore the negative factors. For example, by closing our left eye while we are aiming at the target we get a higher possibility of hitting the 'bulls-eye."

Saturday, April 4, 2009

幽默笑话 & 经文默想

在城市的一个角落住着一户人家. 这户人家有个坏习惯. 就是超级的懒惰. 一切家里的事务都不愿做. 所以, 一切家里大大小小的家务都丢给他那只狗做. 不久, 这个消息就传到他朋友Eric耳中. Eric 很好奇的想探个究竟, 是否有这回事. 有一天, 他就偷偷的潜入他朋友家中. 他一开门就看见那只狗在抹桌子.

Eric: Wah Sei, 真的有这回事. 那狗还会抹桌子, 做家务Eh!!! 很神奇Oh!

狗: 是咯, 你看他们懒到什么都丢給我做.

Eric: Wow! 你不只会做家务, 还会说话 leh!

Eh! shee. . . 你小声一点啦. 如果给我主人听到的话. 电话他都要叫我接埋leh. . .! :P

经文默想: 手懒人, 要受贫穷, 手勤的, 却要富足. (箴言:10章4节)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

God, you are with us forever!

Hello everyone!
I had post a song below that i like much, its name is "主你永遠與我同在".
I think most of u guys have listen this this song before and knew it well.
I was touched when I heard this song, the music is nice and the lyrics is meaningful.
This song tell us that God is always with us, no matter what is happening to us and will last forever.
We would become stronger and more powerful when he is with us. We would need him in order to have a wonderful life .
Therefore, our future is in his hands and we should believe in him. We should also share his great miracles to people around us.
That's all for this post......